Transformers2005 MUSH Wiki
Harmonix is the BOMB!

TP Characters: Blaster, Soundwave
IC Year: 2035
Location: Tyger Pax
Run By: Altitron, Classablanca


The burrough of Harmonix, in the southwest portion of Tyger Pax, is the proud home of Scribble Jam, Cybertron's annual hip-hop rap battle competition. Blaster and Jazz have both been known to compete (and win), but the Decepticons have dark designs on turning the occasion into an event that no one will ever forget! (Psst they planted a bomb making the TP title a pun get it hahaha)


Tyger Pax, a beautiful city-state floating on a lake of energon, is caught in the crosshairs of the Decepticon Empire. With the Decepticon's hold on Nova Cronum to the North all but secure and several raids on neutral tribes in the Manganese Mountain Range to the South having whittled down any significant presence there, the Empire begins a military campaign to conquer yet another territory on Cybertron - utilizing a popular underground scene to sow the seeds of destruction from within.


  • A minor TP that Altitron and Classablanca are developing together.
  • Might actually be Blaster fan-wank.
  • Blitzwing can rap. Who knew?
  • Participants in the first scene were eligible to earn two achievements (#370 and 371)!


Part 1: 2k5 ERB SEASON 1! BEGIN! -  The first round of Scribble Jam kicks off under the Liberation Arch! Blitzwing VS Rewind! Soundwave VS Blaster! WHO WON? WHO'S NEXT? YOU DECIDE!
