Transformers2005 MUSH Wiki

Holograms is an Ability
Name Holograms
Status Available
Cost (CP) 6
Rare No

Produce large convincing holograms. No combat effect.



+holo/scan <Person/Object>

+holo/delete <List Number>

+holo/project <List Number>


These commands are for the hologram system. Please read news abilities for a detailed review of holograms and their limits. Note that you can only have one hologram active at a time, and that the limit for number of holograms in your database is 15. Scanning adds a new hologram, list gives you a list of all the holograms you have with numbers, delete removes one from your db, projecting activates a hologram and dismiss deactivates one.

Please note that holograms are projected from your body, so you must be present ICly in roughly the same location as your hologram. Typically the projecting character hides inside the hologram and moves with it so that they are concealed from view inside the illusion. You can also ICly use your holograms to disguise yourself as part of the terrain and effectively disappear. However, unlike Sneak/Cloak, you are not actually inaccessable while projecting a hologram. Holograms have different effects on different people. A character like Perceptor or Shockwave may not be at all fooled, since holograms have no physical mass, cannot interact directly with their environment, produce no seismic readings, and so on. Most player characters, however, will play along with your hologram and be fooled more or less completely.


Holograms, E-senses, and Radar have each received an update. The purpose of this update has been to give them each a coded TACS function that can be used in any combat situation and fitting their price (which range from 6 to 8 CP). E-senses and Radar already had some use, but while their effect is powerful, it is of a very limited scope. Holograms never had a direct coded function despite its vast potential.

Characters with one of these abilities have received a Special Attack based on their ability. This attack is ammo-based, so it won't take a bite out of your Energon, but you will only have limited uses per week. The name of the attack and it's ammo type may have been changed to reflect a character's specific IC ability where specified. Examples of these new 'special attacks' are below:

Holograms: Holoprojection/0/area-ranged/misc/blind2 ammo(x2)

E-Senses: Detection/0/area-ranged/misc/cripple2 ammo(x2)

Radar: Radar Lock/0/ranged/misc/lockon ammo(x2)

It's not a perfect substitution for coded abilities, but it is the best I can do within my abilities. Subject to change as we see how well these work in practical application. These attacks cannot be upgraded, modified, or sold. If yours is missing, see Redshift. Details on the wiki (coming soon).

(Some Feature Characters have been excluded. Other Feature Characters have received superior versions instead of the default. YMMV.)
